Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rose Finn Apple

My fingerling potato is so classy it has three names. I didn't quite get it right last time so I thought I would make a correction. Not knowing about potatoes I perused the web for good info on planting. I found the advice here and then ignored it. Not ignored really, but failed to follow correctly. Instead of properly preparing the seed potatoes when they arrived, I just put them in the basement and forgot about them. 

When it came time to cut the potatoes into their one-inch pieces (each containing at least one eye) It was easy to see where the eyes were, because they had already sprouted. I followed the directions and put the cut pieces into a paper bag, but shaking the bag, as instructed, is clearly out of the question. The sprouts are an inch or two long and I'm afraid I will break them. I have made do with a gentle tumble and a small prayer that I am not breaking off tender shoots and cutting short the promising life of tasty taters. I'm going to plant them a little sooner than recommended as well, because I will be away this weekend and I'm afraid of what they will look like by Monday.

Fortunately The Keuka Gold are egg- sized and don't need to be cut up. 

Last night I went to the garden after work. I weeded and mulched the raspberries and planted sets of broccoli and romaine lettuce. I planted them together, because I noticed last year that the cole crops (brassicas) did best when they were interplanted with other vegetables, it seemed to reduce the feeding of the flea beetles. There was a dramatic growth difference between a row of broccoli planted alone and the one right next to it planted in combination with lettuce. I think the difference in leaf color confused the flea beetles enough to put them off their feed.