Monday, November 17, 2008


This is from 11/17, never posted, I'm not sure why, perhaps I wanted photos or to add more. I have included a photo of Bavarian White garlic so that you can get a sense of its size. All of my garlic was large, but the B White was massive. Anyways, the old post:

I planted it sometime. After the turnips and storage radishes.

This is the point of careful records.

It was fabulous. I picked it. One umbel had broken from green to sulfur yellow. The rest were tender, well-branched to 12 inches. I harvested one half of an area five foot square. It made a giant bunch - worth two of what you buy in the market.  It was not as dense as what I have grown accustomed to from the market, but significantly less leafy than other local Rapini I have bought at the Coop.

The surprise came when I cooked it. I wilted, then sauteed a few Portobello mushrooms with more garlic than seemed appropriate. I added the blanched Rapini.

$#%$#$ fabulous. I like Rapini. I'm a bit of a snob. This Rapini rocked. I am happy.

There should be pictures, but I misplaced the camera. 

Today I planted flower bulbs and Bavarian White garlic. The garlic was planted a month after the main planting. I am curious to compare their growth to the earlier planted garlic. I suspect they will be a bit later, but essentially equivalent in mass to those planted earlier. 

1/1 As an addendum let me note how the wrapper on this head in Tiz's hand is split open. This garlic, like too much that I harvested was dug late. The split heads do not store as well and are difficult to clean up, but much more on that subject later.  

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Remember, vegetables should not make you angry.