Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Rest of the Story

With my respects to Paul Harvey. I thought you might appreciate a tour of the changing world. After so many years crying in the wilderness, it seems the powers that be are starting to hear our teeny-tiny voices of systemic and sustainable change.

Perhaps you heard the First Lady thinks local food is good tasting food, perfect for inspiring children to eat their veggies? She even took time to mention community gardens by name. It turns out the prez himself has been known to eat his veggies and the White house lawn may soon be a vegetable garden.

When chosen to head the USDA, Tom Vilsack, former governor of Iowa, was given some Bronx cheers by the sustainable agriculture folks, who called him the governor from Monsanto. But it turns out he may have a personal history that makes him very amenable to understanding the consequences of a food system based on corn syrup. In an interview for internal publication within the USDA Vilsack really spills his guts.

The praise for Vilsack has actually been coming in recent weeks from those who previously would have buried him. It seems he chose a woman of impeccable sustainable qualifications as his second in command, Kathleen Merrigan.

In a GMO update: Ag Giants are attempting to keep their hands firmly on the reins, trying to persuade the world that their genetically modified crops are essential to the future of the planet, but the scientists are no longer inclined to go along. Research is starting to indicate GMO foods may be dangerous not just for the people or animals that eat them, but for the earth itself.

I just thought you all might want to know!

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Remember, vegetables should not make you angry.